10 Hilarious Truths About the Transition from Parent to Grandparent

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When you become a grandparent, you aren’t exactly sure how the transition from just a parent to a grandparent will go and exactly what it entails.

Will a switch in your brain turn on the second you meet this precious human? 

Will you know what to do?

Are things going to be that different?

Obviously, the answer is as unique as each different grandma is, but I wanted to share a few of the more funny things that I have found through my years of being a grandma, including:

1. You suddenly have selective hearing

Grandma and kid smiling on park bench

You are still a mom, so the fact that you have eyes in the back of your head and excellent hearing hasn’t changed. However, you may find that you only choose to hear certain things when you’re a grandma. Selective hearing for grandmas is the remarkable ability to tune out the noise of chaos while simultaneously honing in on the sweet sound of your grandchild’s laughter or a heartfelt question. Use this power wisely, my friend. It’s a delicate balance between being an attentive listener and embracing those blissful moments of blissful silence.

2. Grandmas = A walking candy store

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but when you become a grandma, you will find that random candy keeps showing up in your purse! (How did that get there?) Think about it: Where else are your sweet grands supposed to get their fill of sweet treats?! 

3. Sleepovers? Who sleeps at a sleepover?

Not your grandbabies, that’s who! Say goodbye to those peaceful slumber-filled nights because hosting a sleepover with your grandkids means embracing a whirlwind of giggles, pillow fights, and bedtime negotiations that could rival a United Nations summit. But hey, who needs sleep when you can create memories that will last a lifetime?

4. You are a regular time machine, Grandma!

Grandma and granddaughter in front of the fireplace

Prepare for a journey back in time, where your grandkids will discover a world without touchscreens, virtual reality, or instant gratification. As you regale them with tales from the good old days, they’ll be amazed to hear about a time when phones had cords and you had to wait for your favorite TV show to air. (Should we also mention that we grew up with only THREE TV stations? They were archaic times, for sure!) Sit back, relax, and enjoy their wide-eyed astonishment as you share your analog adventures.

5. Grandmas has a never-ending supply of patience

One of my biggest regrets from when my kids were young was my lack of patience. Growing older has made me wiser and has given me the ability to take deep breaths and let kids be kids. Whether it’s patiently waiting for your grandchild’s soccer practice to end or enduring the longest tea party known to humanity, being a grandma is a masterclass in patience. But trust me, the love and joy you receive in return make it all worthwhile.

6. You may suddenly feel younger

Becoming a grandparent has a unique way of rejuvenating your spirit and bringing out your inner child. Suddenly, you’re building sandcastles, exploring playgrounds, and even jumping on trampolines (with questionable success). Embrace the youthful energy that grandparenthood bestows upon you. After all, who said growing older means growing up?

7. Speaking of feeling younger, you get to re-live parts of your childhood, too!

A grandma hug outdoors

Being a grandparent grants you the golden opportunity to relive your own childhood through your grandkids’ eyes. From building forts with blankets and pillows to engaging in epic board game battles, you’ll rediscover the joy of simple pleasures! Don’t be afraid to unleash your inner child, let loose, and create memories that blur the lines between generations.

8. The Pioneer Woman has nothing on you

Prepare to amaze your grandkids with your culinary prowess as you whip up delicious treats and secret family recipes. Suddenly, you’re the master chef in their eyes, creating mouthwatering meals and sweet surprises that make their taste buds dance with delight. Bon Appetit!

9. Grandmas know ALL the things

Grandmas have the incredible opportunity to share their wisdom and life lessons with a fresh set of eager ears. Isn’t wonderful? Whether it’s teaching them to tie their shoelaces or imparting valuable advice about friendship and kindness, your guidance will shape their lives in profound ways. Just remember to keep it light and sprinkle in a healthy dose of humor, as laughter is the best teacher.

10. You’re quite the tech guru, too!

Grandma rocking out with headphones on

Get ready to dazzle everyone with your newfound tech guru skills. Remember when you struggled to set up your email account? Well, those days are long gone, as you’re the family’s go-to expert on everything from smartphones to social media. Embrace your inner geek, teach them the art of the perfect selfie, and help them navigate the ever-changing landscape of the digital world. Just don’t be surprised if they surpass your tech prowess sooner than you think! 😉

Here’s to grandparenting, my friends! What other transitions have you noticed? As always, I would love to hear them. Oh, and, as always, let’s talk again soon!

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