9 Ways To Effectively Get Your Grandchild’s Attention (And Connect!)

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Remember when we were kids and constantly had our faces buried in the rotary phone attached to the kitchen wall? No? Me neither… Today, phones fit into your pocket and are hardly used for phone calls but for instant messaging, scrolling, shopping, and playing games.

Needless to say, it is hard to get (and keep!) a child’s attention when it’s you or a bright screen, which is why I have compiled this list of 9 ways to effectively get your grandchild’s attention (and keep it):

1. Tell them to leave their phone at the door

Cell phones in a basket

This may be my favorite piece of advice, which was shared with me by several of my fellow Devoted Grandmas! Your grands may not like it at first, but let them know their phones are not to be used in your home, as they are too distracting, and you would like a few hours with them. After the initial shock leaves your grandchild’s system, you can begin brainstorming things together, like lunch and shopping (but you can still request no phone!), board games, or baking. 

2. Engage in interactive activities

This one is a no-brainer, but still worth noting. Think beyond just DIY crafts, a la creating your own mini puppet theater, a fun cooking session where they get to design their own pizza toppings, or even planting and taking care of a mini herb garden together. These activities not only hold their attention but also give them a sense of accomplishment.

3. Ask open-ended questions

You know how this grandma loves her open-ended questions, as they can really make your grandkids think and express themselves. Ask them about what they would do if they had a magic carpet or what they think their teddy bear does when they’re at school. This not only keeps them engaged but helps you get a glimpse into their wonderful and imaginative minds. (I have A LOT where that came from here!)

4. Get outside

With Grandma in the great outdoors

Nature has an enchanting way of capturing children’s attention, so plan a bug hunt or a bird-watching session, arrange a backyard campout complete with a mini bonfire and s’mores, or set up a mini water park on a hot summer day! Whatever it is you choose, a nature-filled experience can create lasting memories.

5. Join them in their world

Step into their shoes for a day. Join in on a round of their favorite video game, learn about their favorite pop star, or create a TikTok dance together. This not only shows your grandkids that you value their interests but also gives you a fresh perspective on their world.

6. Start a DIY project

DIY projects offer a chance to bond, learn, and create. Whether it’s building a birdhouse, creating a scrapbook, or knitting a scarf, the sense of accomplishment from completing a project together is wonderful – plus, they will learn patience, perseverance, and practical skills along the way.

7. Start a business

Little girl with money at the computer

I mean, why not? In case you missed it, I have lots of tips for starting a business with your grandchild here!

8. Plan a surprise adventure

Spontaneous and unexpected fun can be incredibly exciting for kids. What will it be: an impromptu ice cream outing? A surprise treasure hunt? Maybe a secret midnight snack? The element of surprise can create a sense of anticipation and excitement.

9. Don’t sign the back of the check

Last but certainly not least is a suggestion from Devoted Grandma friend and reader, Rose, who recommended not signing the back of the check to get your grandchild’s undivided attention. Hey, don’t know it until you try it! 😉


By taking the time to engage with your grandkids, you’re not only capturing their attention but also building bonds that will last a lifetime. After all, what’s better than the gift of time and love shared with your grandkids? Enjoy this special time – and as always, let’s talk again soon!

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