14 Ways We See The World Anew Through A Grandchild’s Eyes

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Nothing is more pure in this world than the innocence of a child. I remember those days well… But alas, my childhood days are long over, and I now know too much to un-see some of the bad around us.

What if I told you that all is not lost and that you, too, can see the world differently? Thanks to your grands, you can, via these 14 (and more!) ways we see the world anew through our grandchild’s eyes: 

1. There is magic in the mundane

The world moves so fast that it is hard to stop and enjoy the seemingly mundane things around us. However, this is where our grandbabies come in, as they have a way of seeing and appreciating even the smallest things. (That puddle isn’t just a puddle – it’s a miniature ocean, and there may be a shark in there!) The ordinary becomes extraordinary through our grandkids’ eyes, and we get a front-row seat to see it all.

2. Unbridled curiosity

Yes, the constant “why” can quickly get old, but these questions are beautiful. Why? Not only are our grands learning more, but their curiosity is contagious and can cause us to reignite our own wonder about the world around us.

3. The term “simple pleasures” takes on a new meaning

Remember how we talked about our grands’ ability to see and appreciate all the small things? Look closely, and you will see why! (Heck, it may even rub off on you.) A bubble, a butterfly, and a leaf fluttering to the ground may not seem like much, but through their eyes, these simple things fill us with delight and awe.

4. A new appreciation of old hobbies

Painting, dancing, and gardening… These are a few of my favorite things from when I was younger! Thanks to my grandbabies, I have taken up all three again, and let me tell you – It feels like meeting an old friend again!

5. Unlimited imagination

Grandkids are magical creatures who can do anything, from turning cardboard boxes into castles to seeing dragons in the clouds. Just wait: If you hang around with them long enough, some of their magical imagination may even rub off on you. 😉

6. Re-learning all the things

Have you ever tried explaining the moon or why the sky is blue? I remember consulting the encyclopedia for my children’s many, many questions, but now I can do a quick Google search and not only answer what my grandbaby asked but also learn something new myself! (Oh, and if you are wondering, the sky is blue because blue light scatters more than other colors as it travels in smaller waves.)

7. Every small accomplishment = a reason to celebrate

From their first steps to graduating kindergarten to placing first in the science fair, everything our grandkids do deserves a celebration! Why shouldn’t we do the same for ourselves?!

8. Renewed patience

We thought we had it all figured out, but then come these little ones, teaching us the art of patience again. Whether it’s answering the same question for the tenth time or waiting for them to tie their shoelaces, our grandbabies teach us to slow down, wait, and appreciate the process.

9. Unconditional love and acceptance

There’s nothing quite like the unconditional love and acceptance you receive from your grandchild. It’s pure and without judgment, as they don’t care about our flaws or foibles. To them, we are perfect just the way we are. This kind of love – that we can only get from our grands – truly is a beautiful reminder of what truly matters.

10. A fresh take on old stories

Have you ever read your grands a story from your childhood (or a story you read to your kids/their parents)? It is the definition of a blast from a past and always brings back so many warm and fuzzy memories!

11. The wonder of first experiences

Remember the thrill of seeing the ocean for the first time or catching your first snowflake? Reliving these moments through a new set of eyes brings back a sense of wonder and excitement that we might have otherwise forgotten.

12. New tech through old eyes

Navigating the latest gadgets and apps can be daunting, but our grandkids make it seem like a breeze (the little stinkers)! Watching them swipe, tap, and navigate the digital world with ease is impressive and pushes us to stay up-to-date and connected in this fast-paced world.

13. Unfiltered honesty

For better or worse, the honesty of a child is something to behold, as their straightforward, no-nonsense approach to life is both refreshing and enlightening… especially when that brutal honesty is not directed toward us! Hehe.

14. Living in the moment

One of the many things that children generally excel at is living in the moment, making them the perfect example of how we should also be. They don’t worry about yesterday or tomorrow. Instead, they are fully immersed in the now, and being with them can help us do the same.


Just when you thought your grandkids couldn’t get any better, they gift you something else – the ability to see the world anew! Isn’t being a grandma so darn grand? I love sharing these experiences with you, and I am so glad you are here, my fellow Devoted Grandma! God bless.

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