Here Are 11 Small Things You Can Do With Your Grandchild That Will Make A Huge Impact

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When you are a grandma, you want to give your beloved grandbabies the sun and the moon, but guess what? You don’t need to! In fact, the smaller things you do for your grands make the most significant impact.

Whether it’s words of affirmation or making them their favorite comfort food when they need it most, these small gestures are the ones that can make them feel the most safe and loved. Here are other small things you can do with your grandchild that will make a huge impact: 

1. Book sharing

Introduce your grand(s) to your favorite childhood books! What will it be? Nancy Drew? The Boxcar Children? Swiss Family Robinson? Why not all of the above? Reading these classics together will give them a glimpse into your younger days and introduce them to timeless literature. (Grandma/grandchild book club, anyone?)

2. Starry night dates

Have you ever looked up and lost yourself in the beauty of the stars? Me, too! Why not share that magic with your grandbabies? Lay out a blanket in your backyard, and gaze up at the universe with your grand(s). These little celestial dates will be something they’ll treasure forever. Plus, who doesn’t love a bit of stargazing?

3. Memory lane walks

Put on those walking shoes and take your grandkids around your old haunts. Point out where you played hopscotch or that tree you once tried (emphasis on tried, hehe) to climb. It’s not just a walk but a journey through time, and trust me, they’ll hang on to every word.

4. Recipe book building

Remember grandma’s famous apple pie or that secret spaghetti sauce? So do your grands, and they love them, too! Spend an afternoon jotting down those precious family recipes, as it’s not just the dishes but the stories and love they carry. Who knows? Maybe they’ll whip up something for you next time!

5. The perfect playlist

Music is the language of the soul, so let’s get groovy and create a playlist together. Blend in those timeless Beatles tracks with their pop favorites and let the dance-off begin.

6. Secret handshake

You and your childhood best friend had a secret handshake, so it only makes sense that you and your current BFF (your grandchild!) also share one. Dream up a fun, quirky handshake for the two of you. Every time you ‘perform’ it, it’ll be your little secret, a bond that says, “We’re in the cool club.”

7. Nature’s quiet moments

Nature has its way of healing, so grab those walking boots, head to the park, and… listen. Listen to the birds, the wind, the rustling leaves – these are the sounds of our world, telling its story. While you take in this peace and quiet, you and your grands can also share a secret or two.

8. Postcard tradition

Who doesn’t love getting mail? (Especially when it’s not a bill. :P) Send your grandchild(ren) postcards from wherever you are or care packages when you see something that makes you think of them. It’s old school, but it has its charm. Believe me: That thrill when they open their mailbox is priceless!

9. Share your craft

Got a talent for knitting those lovely scarves? Or maybe a secret gardening tip? Share your skills, as it’s more than just a hobby but a lesson in patience, love, and dedication.

10. Lunchbox notes

Remember those little “I love you” notes you’d find in your lunch? It’s time for round two! Slip in a cheeky joke or a simple ‘Have a great day!’ in their lunchbox. It’s like a midday hug in the form of words.

11. Question a day

Ever wanted to know what’s running in those little minds? Ask them one unique question every day. Whether it’s about aliens or their favorite color, it shows you care. Even better? Their answers are always a delightful surprise! (Psst… I have many questions you can ask right here, plus a daily conversation starter in my newsletter!)


As you can see, bigger isn’t always better, as those small gestures can make for big results! These shared moments and cozy memories build a foundation of love, trust, and undying bonds. What are you waiting for, Devoted Grandma? Go out and make the most of every moment!

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