These 27 Grandma-Approved Indoor Games Will Make You Forget It’s Cold Outside

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Is it just me, or is it getting cold outside? The chill of winter is in the air, which means it is time to get creative on those days when it is too bitterly cold to play outside. Don’t opt for screens, Grandma – There are plenty of ways you can keep the kids busy inside, beginning with these 27 grandma-approved indoor games that will keep the grandkids entertained:

1. Classic board games

Okay, this one is obvious, but it has stood the test of time for a reason! Whether you challenge your grand to a thought-provoking chess game or a more fast-paced card game, playing board games together is a great way to pass the time and make memories! 

2. Baking challenge

Nothing compliments a snow day better than some baked goods, but instead of baking them on your own, why not make it a little more interesting by channeling your inner Mary Berry and challenging your grand(s) to a winter baking competition? (I give lots more insight on this here.) 

3. Sock puppet theater

Hand over some old socks, buttons, yarn, and fabric scraps, and let your grandkids unleash their inner designers. Once the sock puppets are ready, pop some popcorn because it’s showtime in the living room! You’ll be surprised at the imaginative stories they come up with – plus, it’s a great way to recycle those lone socks! 😛

4. Indoor scavenger hunt

You know how I love my scavenger hunts, so I couldn’t let an activity post go by without suggesting an indoor one! Hide small items around the house and give them clues or a treasure map. This will keep their brains working and keep them away from those oh-so-tempting screens.

5. Crafty afternoon

Who doesn’t love to create? Set up a mini-craft station with colored paper, glue, glitter, and whatever craft supplies you’ve got, and have fun making one-of-a-kind holiday cards, decorations, and/or abstract art. Crafting together is a beautiful way to spark creativity and gives you time to chat and bond.

6. Dance party

Remember dancing in your bedroom to the Beatles and Stones? Cue up the Alexa with these classics and invite your grands to join you in a dance-off! (If you’re feeling especially generous, invite them to play a few of their favorite songs, too!)

7. Homemade bowling alley

Create a mini-bowling alley using empty bottles as pins and a soft ball. It’s simple, fun, and gives those recycled bottles a new purpose! Need I mention it’s also a sneaky way to improve their hand-eye coordination?

 8. Story time theater

Read a story together, then act it out with simple costumes and props that bring the story to life. It’s a beautiful way to encourage a love of reading and stir up their imaginations.

9. Living room picnic

It’s too cold to take a picnic to the park, so grab your blanket, make sandwiches, and enjoy a family picnic on the living room floor. If you want to make it even more fun, you can watch a movie while eating!

10. Puzzle challenge

Cold and snowy weather = the PERFECT time to break out that puzzle you want to try. Puzzles are a quiet yet engaging way to spend time together and are a great way to keep everyone’s brain sharp.

11. Hot cocoa bar and movie night

Movie nights are fun, but hot cocoa makes it even more magical! Let the grandkids go wild with toppings like marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles, and then snuggle up with a good movie. Can you think of a more perfect way to spend a chilly evening? Me neither!

12. Indoor obstacle course

Keep the grandkids active with an indoor obstacle course! 

Get creative with cushions, chairs, and blankets to create a fun obstacle course inside the house. It’s a fantastic way to help the kids burn off some energy and have a blast while they’re at it.

13. Magic tricks

Let me preface this by saying that I do not know any magic tricks – however, YouTube has plenty, which you and your grands can take turns watching, learning, and performing for each other.

14. Paper airplane contest

Fold paper airplanes and see whose can fly the farthest or do the most fantastic tricks. It’s an old-school pastime (I can remember my daddy making planes for my brothers!), but it still holds up and is perfect for an indoor day.

15. Fashion show fun

Raid the closets and put on a fashion show where you mix and match outfits, strut down the makeshift runway in the living room, and let everyone show off their style. It’s a fun way to play dress-up, no matter your age. 🙂

16. Bean bag toss

Cornhole is a great pastime in the summer, but why limit it to just outside? Create a simple bean bag toss game with targets made from boxes or baskets. Trust me: This will keep the kiddos busy for quite a while!

17. DIY pizza party

Have you noticed that I like passing time with yummy food and drinks? Make dinner interactive with a DIY pizza party where you roll out the dough and let each grandkid customize their pizza with different toppings. It’s a delicious way to spend a chilly evening together.

18. Home science experiments

Conduct simple science experiments using household items such as baking soda volcanoes and homemade slime. Not only is it fun, but it is also a sneaky way to teach the grandkids without them knowing.

19. Indoor mini golf

Who knew that you could do so many classic outdoor activities indoors? Enter indoor golf, where you set up a mini-golf course in your house using cups as holes and a toy golf set. Each room can be a different ‘hole,’ adding to the fun.

20. Balloon tennis

Another outdoor-turned-indoor activity is balloon tennis! All you need is some balloons and makeshift rackets (fly swatters or paper plates attached to sticks work well) for a game of balloon tennis. Let the grunting begin!

21. Memory game

Create a memory game using family photos or pictures from magazines for a fun way to test your and your grands’ memory and concentration skills.

22. Joke telling contest 

Everything is more interesting when it is a competition – including telling jokes! Invite everyone to share their best jokes, and you’ll all be in stitches in no time. (To make it even more fun, create a stage for the comedian to stand on while they perform their stand-up routine.)

23. Indoor gardening

Get some small pots, soil, and seeds, and start an indoor garden. What will you grow? Herbs? Flowers? Simple houseplants? Whatever you decide, it will give you all something to do and give you some inspiration for your spring garden.

24. Write a book

Collaborate with your grandkids on a book! You can work together on the storyline or split it up so that one of you works on the story and the other illustrates it. Give it a try, and you will find that Dr. Seuss has nothing on you and your grands. (Hehe.)

25. Indoor bird watching

Set up a bird feeder visible from a window and do some indoor bird watching. You can make it educational (or just more interesting!) by researching the types of birds you see and keeping a bird journal.

26. Indoor camping

Transform your living room into a campsite for the night where you set up a tent (or make one from blankets), tell stories with a flashlight, and maybe even make s’mores in the microwave. I am more partial to indoor camping vs. outdoor – how about you?

27. World cuisine day

Last but certainly not least is one more food activity. (Are you surprised?) Pick a country and spend the day exploring its culture through cuisine by cooking a traditional dish together, listening to music from that country, and learning a few facts or phrases.


How is this for a list of things to do this winter? I hope you can find a thing or two that will keep the grandbabies busy and entertained during these chilly months. Stay tuned – I have even more things to share next week! 🙂

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