13 Fun Science Experiments To Do With Your Grandkids (That Won’t Blow Up The House!)

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As a grandparent, I think one of the best ways to bond with your grandchildren is by doing science experiments together! Not only are they fun, but they also provide a great opportunity to learn about science and the world around us. Here are 13 fun science experiments that you can do with your grandchildren in the safety of your own home:

Making Oobleck

Homemade oobleck
Andrew Curran/Flickr

Oobleck is a fascinating substance that is both a solid and a liquid. To make it, simply mix cornstarch and water together until it forms a gooey substance. Your grandchildren will be amazed by how it behaves when they touch it, and they can even try to walk or run on it!

See how to make oobleck here.

Exploring Density with Oil and Water

Fill a clear glass with water and add a few drops of food coloring. Then pour in some vegetable oil and watch as the oil rises to the top. Your grandchildren can learn about density by seeing how the oil and water separate.

Making a Volcano Eruption

Create a volcano by using playdough or paper mache. That’s the hardest part (but still fun!). Then mix baking soda and vinegar together and pour it into the volcano. Your grandchildren will be thrilled by the fizzy eruption!

See how to make a volcano for kids here.

Balloon Rockets

Balloon rocket craft
Dean Johnson/Flickr

Attach a balloon to a straw and tape it to a piece of string. Blow up the balloon and then let it go, watching as it shoots down the string. Your grandchildren can learn about Newton’s Third Law of Motion as they observe the balloon rocket in action.

Building a Catapult

Using popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and a plastic spoon, your grandchildren can build their own catapult. They can experiment with different angles and distances to see how far they can launch objects.

Here’s how to get started building your own catapult.

Making a Rainbow

Fill a shallow dish with milk and add a few drops of different food coloring to the surface. Then add a drop of dish soap and watch as a beautiful rainbow of colors forms. Your grandchildren can learn about surface tension and how the soap breaks it apart.

Growing Crystals

Mix water and borax together until it dissolves. Then dip a pipe cleaner into the solution and let it sit overnight. Your grandchildren will be amazed by the beautiful crystals that grow on the pipe cleaner.

Making a Lemon Battery

Lemon battery demonstration

Cut a lemon in half and insert a copper and zinc nail into each half. Then connect the nails with a wire and watch as the lemon produces a small amount of electricity through a light-emitting diode. Your grandchildren can learn about electrochemical reactions and the basics of electricity.

This YouTube video also shows you in detail how to make a lemon battery.

Exploring Static Electricity

Rub a balloon against a wool sweater and then hold it near a stream of water. The water should bend towards the balloon due to static electricity. Your grandchildren can learn about the science of electrical charges.

Creating a Lava Lamp

Fill a clear bottle with water and vegetable oil. Then add a few drops of food coloring and an Alka-Seltzer tablet. Your grandchildren can watch as the tablet reacts with the water, creating bubbles that rise to the top and then fall back down, creating a mesmerizing lava lamp effect.

Learn how to make your very own lava lamp here.

Making a Cartesian Diver

Making a cartesian diver
Steven Saus/Flickr

Fill a clear plastic bottle with water and drop in a small plastic pipette. Then screw the cap on tightly and squeeze the bottle to see the pipette dive to the bottom. Your grandchildren can learn about pressure and buoyancy as they manipulate the diver’s movement.

Building a Simple Circuit

Using a battery, wires, and a light bulb, your grandchildren can build a simple circuit. They can learn about how electricity flows through the wires and lights up the bulb. They can also experiment with different materials and see how they affect the flow of electricity.

Discover how electricity works by building your own simple circuit.

Growing Plants Without Soil

Fill a clear plastic cup with water and add a few drops of food coloring. Then place a white carnation in the cup and watch as it turns the same color as the water. Your grandchildren can learn about the process of osmosis and how plants absorb nutrients and water through their roots. They can also compare the growth of the plant in water versus soil.

These experiments are a great way to spend quality time with your grandchildren while also teaching them about science! They are easy, fun, and educational, and your grandchildren will love getting hands-on with these exciting activities. Plus, it helps cement you, Grandma, as the cool one in the family! Now go share the fun. 😀

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