A Grandma And Her Ode To Technology

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I recently talked to a friend about how darn blessed we are to live in this day and age of technology. Sure, it has its significant flaws, but the fact that I can see my grandbabies every day on Facetime is priceless. Do you remember how inaccessible good communication used to be? Long-distance calls used to cost an arm and a leg, and now we can stay in touch with friends, family, and acquaintances with the click of a button. 

When we were growing up, we lived close to my grandparents, but times have changed, and families are now moving further and further apart, which makes these technological advances even more incredible. 

Thinking of this really moved me, so I wrote down my feelings in the form of a letter. I hope you can find something in my words that relates to you, too! 

My, how times have changed... I remember watching "The Jetsons" on TV and thinking how far-fetched virtual doctor's appointments, video calling, and self-driving cars seemed, but here we are. Technology is advancing at the speed of light, and we have a front-row seat! While technology can be daunting, it can also be an absolute blessing for us grandmas. 

Remember the days of waiting by the phone, hoping for a call from long-distance loved ones? Those charges weren't joking! And now? We live in an era where our loved ones are just a video call away. The joy of seeing my grandkids' smiling faces on a screen, hearing their laughter – it's as if they're right there in my living room.

Do I need to mention we no longer have to deal with party lines and that everything is included in one low monthly cost? Now THAT is priceless!

What about Facetime, Skype, Zoom – don't they sound like something out of a sci-fi novel we might have read as kids? But here we are, using these magical tools as if they're the most natural thing in the world. 

And let's not forget social media and messaging apps... What a hoot! I've seen photos of my grandkids' first steps, school plays, and silly dances through my little smartphone. I feel as though I have never missed an important moment in their lives, even if we are thousands of miles apart. 

I love playing games, especially with my grands, but do you know what is hard to do when you aren't physically together? That's right - play games. Or is it? Not so, as many game apps are multi-player, so you can still play Yahtzee, Words With Friends, and even Monopoly on opposite sides of the world.
My friends: We are blessed.

I must admit, there was a time when I was intimidated by all this tech, but you know what? Embracing it has brought me closer to my grandkids in ways I never imagined. I've seen virtual school plays, attended birthday parties via video calls, and even read bedtime stories online.

Sure, there are days when I long for the simplicity of the past. It was a time when life moved slower, and we weren't constantly staring at screens. But then, I receive a text from my grandkid, a little heart emoji, or a funny video they've made, and my heart swells with gratitude for these digital connections.

So here's my little ode to technology – a heartfelt thank you for shrinking distances, bridging gaps, and keeping this grandma in the loop and part of the fun. It reminds us all to embrace these advancements, bringing us closer to those we hold dear.

Isn't it a great time to be alive AND to be a grandma? ;)

What will this year bring? I don’t know, but I, for one, am here for it! Who knows – maybe 2024 will be the year they figure out how we can teleport our grandkids to our homes whenever we miss them! (Hey, a grandma can dream!)

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