Summer Fun Off The Screens (55 Pages)

This pack of printable activities, exercises, worksheets, and more has something for grandchildren of all ages. Some are aimed at the younger ones and others for older grands. But they’re all designed to keep them engaged and off the screens!

What’s Inside?

From delightful coloring pages that ignite their imagination to word searches that stretch their thinking, there’s always a new adventure waiting. Phonics games will aid their language learning in a fun way, while matching exercises help hone their memory and recognition skills. These beautifully designed printable activities offer just the right balance of challenge and entertainment, giving you and your grandchildren plenty of joyous memories to make.

Why This?

  1. Flexibility: A digital product that you can access instantly, the Summer Fun Activities guide lets you print out individual pages as needed. This means you only use what you want, when you want, helping to avoid unnecessary clutter. If your grandchild loves a particular activity, no problem – simply print it out again!
  2. Fun-filled Learning: A collection of activities designed not just to entertain but also educate. It’s an opportunity to bond over learning, as you guide them through phonics puzzles or find hidden words together.
  3. Perfect for Summer: Themed around summer, it’s an ideal way to celebrate the season, with activities like coloring beach scenes or tracing ice cream cones. It’s also a great tool to keep the little ones occupied and productive during those long summer days.
  4. Lasting Memories: Every page you and your grandchildren complete together is a shared accomplishment and a moment of joy. These are the memories that last a lifetime!

Make each day of the season a treasure of happy moments. Because, after all, the joy of being a grandmother is seeing your grandchildren grow and learn while having fun, and there’s no better companion for that than our Summer Fun Activities download. 🙂

Instantly download any item as a supporter. Each one is handcrafted specifically for grandmas - fun activities, helpful guides, and thousands more resources. Here are just a few featured ones. ❤️