82 Questions to Spark Creativity in Your Grandkids

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Your eyes do not deceive you: I, Devoted Grandma, have curated a list with even more questions you can ask your grandkids, this time with a creative theme! Why so many questions? For one, it is one of my most requested topics, and two, it is a simple yet impactful way to get your grandkids thinking and talking. 

Though I have my own experience to go off, I was curious about what else asking questions encourages (aside from critical and creative thinking, of course), and I learned that there are so many skills, like developing language, promoting active listening, building confidence, and stimulating curiosity. Who knew that a few questions could make such a huge impact? 

If you are ready to see your grandchild’s personality and imagination take flight, I encourage you to ask them one (or all) of these 82 questions that will spark creativity in your grandkids: 

Child and Grandmother at the table
  1. If you could invent any kind of magical creature, what would it be like?
  2. What does your dream treehouse look like?
  3. If you could design a new planet, how would it be different from Earth?
  4. What superpower would you choose to have, and how would you use it?
  5. Can you imagine a world without gravity? What would it be like?
  6. If you were a character in a book, who would you be, and what adventures would you have?
  7. What do you think clouds taste like?
  8. If you could create your own ice cream flavor, what would it be called, and what ingredients would it have?
  9. Imagine you have a time machine. Where and when would you go?
  10. If you could talk to animals, which animal would you choose, and what would you ask them?
  11. What do you think the ocean sounds like?
  12. If you could paint a picture of anything in the world, what would it be?
  13. If you could design a brand new toy, what would it do, and how would it work?
  14. How would you create a new dance move? Can you show me?
  15. If you could have a pet that was a mix of two different animals, which animals would you choose?
  16. What kind of adventure would you have if you found a hidden treasure map?
  17. If you could have a magic backpack that could hold anything you wanted, what would you keep inside it?
  18. What do you think the stars say to each other when they twinkle?
  19. Can you invent a new word and tell me its meaning?
  20. Imagine you are a famous chef. What would your signature dish be?
  21. If you could design a whole new wardrobe, what kind of clothes would you create?
  22. How would you build a time capsule to capture our present time for people in the future?
  23. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
  24. What would your dream house look like? Draw a picture or describe it to me.
  25. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
  26. Imagine you could fly like a bird. Where would you go, and what would you see from up high?
  27. What do you think a friendly alien from another planet would be like?
  28. If you could design your own amusement park, what kind of rides and attractions would it have?
  29. What do you think the moon does when no one is looking?
  30. Can you create a story with just three words? Let’s hear it!
  31. If you could have a magical potion, what would it do, and what would you use it for?
  32. What do you think dinosaurs sounded like? Can you make their sounds?
  33. If you were a famous musician, what instrument would you play, and what would your songs be about?
  34. How would you design a robot that could help people with their daily tasks?
  35. Can you imagine a world where everyone can understand each other without speaking the same language? How would it work?
  36. If you could build a time machine, would you travel to the past or the future? Why?
  37. What kind of vehicle would you create to explore the depths of the ocean?
  38. Imagine you discovered a hidden underground city. What would it be like, and who would live there?
  39. If you could plant a garden full of magical plants, what would they look like, and what powers would they have?
  40. If you could design a theme park based on your favorite book or movie, what attractions would it have?
  41. What do you think animals dream about when they sleep?
  42. If you could have a conversation with a character from a story, who would you choose, and what would you talk about?
  43. Can you create a new dance and teach it to me?
  44. Imagine you found a secret doorway that leads to a hidden world. What would that world be like?
  45. If you could have a magical wardrobe that could transport you anywhere, where would you go first?
  46. What do you think the colors of the rainbow would taste like?
  47. If you could design a new board game, how would it be played, and what would the goal be?
  48. Imagine you could talk to plants. What would you ask them?
  49. If you could design a new school subject, what would it be and why?
  50. What do you think clouds are made of?
  51. If you could be a character in a video game, what would your special abilities be?
  52. Imagine you could have a picnic with any historical figure. Who would you invite, and what food would you share?
  53. What do you think animals do for fun when humans aren’t watching?
  54. If you could have a magic pen that brings drawings to life, what would you draw?
  55. Can you create a story using only sounds and gestures?
  56. Imagine you could talk to the planets in our solar system. What would you ask them?
  57. If you could design a new mode of transportation, how would it move, and where would it take you?
  58. What do you think the wind whispers to the trees?
  59. If you could have a special talent, like juggling or playing an instrument, what would you choose and why?
  60. Imagine you had a magical camera that could capture invisible things. What would you photograph?
  61. Can you create a new recipe using unusual ingredients? What would it be called?
  62. If you could have a conversation with a famous artist, who would it be, and what would you talk about?
  63. What do you think toys do when nobody is around?
  64. If you could design a new type of sport, what would it be, and how would it be played?
  65. Imagine you could visit a fairy tale land. Which fairy tale would you choose, and what would you do there?
  66. If you could have a talking pet, which animal would you choose, and what would you talk about?
  67. What do you think the sun does at night?
  68. If you could design a new type of clothing, what materials and features would it have?
  69. Can you create a secret code and teach me how to decipher it?
  70. Imagine you could design a new planetarium. How would the stars and galaxies be displayed?
  71. If you could have a magic notebook that brings your drawings to life, what would you draw first?
  72. What do you think toys dream about when they’re asleep?
  73. If you could create a new holiday, what would it celebrate and how would people celebrate it?
  74. Imagine you could speak every language in the world. What would you say to people from different countries?
  75. If you could design a new type of playground, what exciting features would it have?
  76. What do you think it would be like to live underwater?
  77. If you could have a magical instrument that played any sound you wanted, what sounds would you create?
  78. Imagine you discovered a hidden treasure chest. What treasures would be inside and what would you do with them?
  79. If you could design a new type of robot, what tasks would it be able to perform, and how would it look?
  80. What do you think the clouds would say if they could talk?
  81. If you could design a floating city in the sky, what would it be like and how would people live there?
  82. Imagine you could create your own fantasy world. What creatures, landscapes, and magical elements would exist in it?

Remember, the key is to encourage your grandkids to let their imaginations run wild and explore their creativity. Have fun with these questions and see where their answers take you!

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