An Ode To The Exhausted Grandmas Taking Care Of Their Grandkids Every Day

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Grandmas are superheroes. They bake the best cookies, know how to make clothes and fix things, and heck – we can even get a colicky baby to sleep in a matter of minutes (it’s all in the bounce step and continually shoosing sounds).

While every grandma is a Wonder Woman in her own right, some take their calling to the next level by either raising their grandkids or watching them while their parents work.

If you are this grandma, we salute you, as this big undertaking can often feel endless and thankless. Grandma, we see you and dedicate this ode to you and everything you do for your family! 

An ode to the grandma who is raising her grandkids

Grandma and granddaughter on a bench

Thank you for stepping in where no one else could and giving those grandbabies a safe and loving home when they may not have had one otherwise.
I don’t know your circumstances or your family dynamic. Still, I know that because of your big heart and willingness to help, you are setting your grandchildren on a better path that keeps them away from potentially dangerous or haphazard living situations.
Raising kids when we are young adults is hard, so I can only imagine how much more challenging and exhausting it is when you’re the grandma.
Where you thought you would be retired and relaxing, you are virtually starting over, and for that, you deserve praise, awards, and a paid-for two-weeks vacation to a tropical destination of your choosing.
However, this isn’t why you do it – you aren’t looking for help, rewards, or pity.
You’re looking out for those kids and fighting like hell to ensure they have a good life, especially when they didn’t choose whatever circumstances they may have been born into.
You are a hero to your grandchildren and a role model for the rest of us. Thank you for sharing your big heart with your family and for setting an example of what love looks like for the rest of us.
We see you and thank you for your selflessness. 

An ode to the grandma who shares her home with her grandkids and their parents

Giving Grandma a homemade photo album
Flickr/xtina askew

You may not be raising your grandkids per se, but you are making enormous sacrifices for your family that many either won’t or don’t have the means to make.
Times are tough – housing costs are astronomical, inflation is out of hand, and the general cost of living just isn’t doable for many normally middle-class families. 
While some young families may have to make nearly impossible decisions to make ends meet, you wouldn’t allow it and invited your grown children and grandchildren to live with you while they figure out things going forward.
You give your family a safe haven, good food, and much love.
This was never in your plan, but thank God for grandmas (and moms!) like you who ensure your family is safe and well cared for. 
Your home is often loud, not very tidy, and almost always bustling, but do you know what else? 
It is full of love, laughter, and joy, all of which are made possible by you, dear Grandma. 
May you always feel loved and appreciated by those around you.
May you know how special you are and how not everyone has as big of a heart as you. 
You are special, grandma – and I pray you know that! 

An ode to the grandma who takes care of her grandkids while their parents work

Grandmother reading to her grandson
Flickr/Jim Kravitz

How blessed are your grandkids for having such a wonderful place to go while their parents work?
Often, mothers want nothing more than to stay home with their babies, but this isn’t a reality in this day and age with the high cost of living and providing for a family. 
While some mothers take their kids to a daycare or preschool, your grandchild is taken to the loving arms of their grandma, who adores them just as much (if not more, hehe) than their parents.
You offer a wonderful oasis for your grandchildren – one that teaches, nurtures, and allows them to grow and flourish.
Thank you for keeping them safe and loved and helping raise them during these vital years. 
Not only are you doing a massive service for your grandchildren but for their parents, too, for you are saving them everything from expensive childcare bills to worry and strife.
You have served your family for so long and continue to do so in significant ways, golden years or not.
On behalf of your family: thank you, grandma.
You are everything to many people and set an example that cannot be matched.

Have a beautiful week, my fellow Devoted Grandma – no one deserves it more than you! (And remember that I am always rooting for you.)

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