6 Life Lessons Grandmas Can Learn Through Autumn Changes

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The leaves are changing, and whether we like it or not, so are our grandbabies. Like our children, our grands are growing quickly, and with that comes new interests, tastes, and vocabulary – for better or worse! Like the changing seasons, we must learn to embrace our grandchildren as they continue to morph, which is a lesson we can learn from fall/autumn!

Who knew that this season was not only beautiful but also so wise? Here is why, via these 6 life lessons that grandmas can learn through autumn changes: 

1. Embrace change gracefully

Just as every tree dons its autumnal attire, so do our grandchildren change. (Heavy sigh.) It’s not about resisting or mourning the passing of a stage but celebrating the emergence of the new. It may sometimes feel like you’ve lost that adorable little human you love more than life itself, but don’t worry: The same child who loved building sandcastles yesterday might be engrossed in a book today. Rather than missing the sandcastles, cherish the new tales your grands have to share. (Trust me: There will be many!)

2. The beauty in letting go

Watching a leaf gently detach from a branch and drift to the ground is a masterclass in graceful detachment. You, too, have this sort of elegant beauty in you, as sometimes, we must let go of our preconceived notions or expectations about our grandkids and allow them to forge their own paths. And, as we’ve seen with those leaves, the results can often be breathtakingly gorgeous.

3. Preparation is key

As squirrels scamper around collecting their winter stash, we’re reminded of the importance of being prepared. It could be prepping for a teen’s challenging phase or simply keeping a box of their favorite cookies handy. A little foresight can turn potential challenges into delightful experiences.

4. Savor the moment

Fall is that fleeting period – a brief but magical interval that many (like yours truly) look forward to all year. Think of fall as a timely reminder to savor our moments with our grandkids, whether laughing over a shared joke or quietly watching a sunset together.

5. There is always a new beginning

After fall comes winter and then the rebirth of spring. Similarly, every phase our grandkids go through, however challenging, is a precursor to a fresh start. That moody teen will blossom into an insightful adult, so chin up, grandma, as every end heralds a new beginning. (Cue “Auld Lang Syne.”)

6. Gratitude warms the coolest days

Autumn is the season of Thanksgiving, a time to count our blessings. It’s a reminder that irrespective of the season or the changes in our grandkids, there’s always something to be thankful for, a la their laughter, their achievements, and their hugs. Every day with them is a gift.


As you sip on your pumpkin spice latte or wrap yourself in a warm scarf, take a moment to reflect on the myriad of lessons the season offers. And remember, just like every autumn leaf is unique, so is every grandchild. Embrace and enjoy my fellow Devoted Grandma!

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