Thrifty Grandma: Money-Saving Hacks from the Old Days

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We live in crazy and expensive times, which leaves many of us looking for ways to save a buck or two whenever we can (which is easier said than done, I know). Don’t get stressed: There are plenty of ways to save money without altering your lifestyle or getting a second job. In fact, many of these ways are things that we used to do and need to bring back! 

I was racking my brain for my favorite ways to save and came up with these 10 money-saving hacks from the old days. (I hope they help you as much as they have helped me with stretching my dollars.)

1. Bulk buying and sharing

Warehouse full of goods

Those trips to Costco and/or Sam’s Club can sure be pricy, but buying in bulk is the most cost-effective way to purchase non-perishables, sundries, snacks, and cleaning supplies. Do you want to make your dollar go even further and help out someone else along the way? Share the cost and the items with your neighbors, family, or friends! (My daughter and I often do warehouse shopping together and split the price – I cannot recommend it enough.)

2. Home energy-saving tricks

Remember when we used to dry clothes on the line outside, opened the windows for a breeze instead of running the air conditioner, and used natural light as much as possible? These energy-saving tricks from the old days can still help us lower those pesky utility bills, which seem to get higher by the day.

3. Gardening

I know this one is obvious, but it is still worth sharing, as it is such a smart way to save on those astronomical grocery bills. Not only will your garden save you some money, but it is also guaranteed to be fresh and free from chemicals or any of those never-ending produce recalls. 

4. Preserving your food

Jars of food

This is another obvious one, but as someone who enjoys making my preserves, it is one that I cannot recommend enough! The art of preserving fresh produce cuts down waste and lets you enjoy seasonal fruits and veggies year-round. Not only that, but preserves allow you to control what goes into your food – no extra preservatives or sugars!

5. Homemade gifts

The most thoughtful gifts are the ones that come from your heart and your own two hands! Homemade gifts are always in style, so bake those cookies, knit that sweater, and stamp that stationery.

6. Thrifting

Does anyone else get a thrill from finding that big ticket item for next to nothing at the thrift store? I LOVE a good thrift haul and have bought everything from unopened toys to designer clothes with the tags still on to antique furniture and play equipment for the grandkids. Did I mention that I paid a fraction of the cost for all of the above?

7. Saving and re-using leftovers

A nice meal

Why waste food when you can always turn your leftovers into something new and different? These days, there are many apps and websites to help you come up with inventive recipes for your leftovers, as it’s not just about saving money but also respecting the food we’re lucky to have.

8. BYOB (Bake your own bread)

Grandma’s house always smelled of fresh bread, didn’t it? Much like preserves, homemade bread is not only cheaper, but it’s also healthier as you can control what goes into it. Plus, with the current trend of bread machines and no-knead bread recipes, baking has never been easier!

9. Utilize your local library

Did you know there is SO much more to libraries than books, magazines, and movies? You can take classes, get free admission to museums, attend concerts and other special events, and entertain the grandkids – all for FREE.

10. Traditional home remedies

Aloe vera plant

Modern medicine is wonderful, but in the old days, we often relied on home remedies for minor ailments (remember the magic of hot soup when we had a cold or the use of aloe vera for skin rashes?). These natural remedies are often cheaper than over-the-counter medicines and could relieve minor health concerns. That being said, however, always remember to consult with a healthcare professional about severe ailments or if symptoms persist.


There you have it: A few easy ways to save some money in this expensive day and age! These may be things you have already thought of and utilize, but if they are not, I hope they assist you in stretching your money even further. Let’s talk again soon!

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