6 Life Lessons For Grandparents To Teach Their Grandchildren

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As grandparents, we’ve gathered all of this wisdom over the years to pass on to the next generation of family and loved ones. Just as we raised our children in such a way, we now have even more experience with which to teach life lessons to the grandchildren. Invaluable lessons that will mean the most coming from you.

In the video below, Sixty and Me invites Barbara Nathan on for a segment to discuss 6 important life lessons that all grandparents should teach their grandkids. And there’s some really good advice here…

You Can’t Have Everything You Want

This is hard for kids to understand at a young age, but it’s imperative they understand they can’t have everything they set their eyes on. It’s just not how things work, and this helps prioritize what’s truly important in life.

You Don’t Have To Be Everyone’s Friend, But Try To Get Along With Everyone

You’re not going to be everyone’s friend. But there’s no reason to treat anyone like anything less. We’re all different, and we’re all fighting our own battles. A little kindness goes a long way, and it just might make someone’s day!

Be Considerate And Treat Others How You’d Want To Be Treated

If you wouldn’t want someone doing it to you, don’t do it to them. It’s only fair, right? This attitude will take you far in life, so implement it as early as possible!

Sharing Is Caring

This is super relevant. Kids are always playing with their brothers and sisters or other children at day care, so learning to be a good sport and taking turns is paramount. This goes back to the one above… Wouldn’t you want the others to share with you?

Patience Is A Virtue

Patience is a tough thing for a young one to fully grasp. Without a real concept of time or what it means in life, they just don’t understand why the certain thing can’t happen right now. Teach them that good things come to those who wait, and it’ll all work out in the end.

Show Proper Respect To Your Elders

Respect everyone, especially your elders. They’ve been there and done that and know exactly where you’re coming from. Take advantage of this special kind of experience and wisdom and be better off for it!

What do you think? Did they miss anything important, or is there anything you would add to the list? If it’s setting the grandchildren up for success, it’s worth the discussion! 🙂

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