How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep For Better Health

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“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”

I know firsthand how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. As we get older, it seems like a good night’s sleep becomes harder to come by. But fear not, my dear friends! I have some tips and tricks to help you catch some Z’s and wake up feeling refreshed and energized!

1. Create a bedtime routine

Woman in glasses reading
Pablo G./Flickr

If you keep your grandkids over night, you probably have a bedtime routine for them. That’s because it works.

Well, it’s time to create one for yourself too! Winding down is so important.

This routine can include things like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or sipping on some chamomile tea. Whatever it is, make sure it’s calming and relaxing. And don’t forget to stick to a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends. Your body will thank you for it!

2. Invest in comfortable bedding

Let’s be honest: as grandmas, we have earned the right to splurge a little on our bedding. Get yourself a set of soft, high-quality sheets and a cozy comforter. And don’t forget a supportive pillow that will keep your head and neck in a comfortable position throughout the night. Say goodbye to that lumpy, bumpy mattress you’ve had for 20 years and hello to a good night’s sleep. Your back and hips will notice the difference.

A lot of us come from a time where we just didn’t spend much beds. But trust me when I say you really do deserve it now.

3. Avoid stimulants before bedtime

Earl grey hot tea
Andy Melton/Flickr

I know, I know, a cup of coffee or tea sounds like the perfect way to wind down after a long day. But caffeine and other stimulants can actually keep you up at night. So, try to avoid these types of drinks before bedtime. And if you need a little something to help you relax, try some herbal tea or warm milk instead.

4. Create a peaceful sleeping environment

Your sleeping environment plays a big role in how well you sleep. Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. If outside noise is a problem, consider using earplugs or a white noise machine. And if you’re a light sleeper, invest in some blackout curtains to keep the early morning sun from waking you up before you’re ready.

I didn’t really realize how much blackout curtains helped til I got them. They were a game-changer.

5. Get moving during the day

Older woman stretching in the park
pedro alves/Flickr

Exercise is great for your health in so many ways, and it can even help you sleep better at night. So, try to get moving during the day, even if it’s just a walk around the block or some gentle stretching. But make sure to finish your workout at least a few hours before bedtime so that your body has time to wind down.

6. Limit screen time before bedtime

I know it’s tempting to scroll through social media or binge-watch your favorite show before bed, but the blue light emitted by screens can actually disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. So, try to limit your screen time before bedtime. And if you must use your phone or computer, consider using a blue light filter to reduce the negative effects.

7. Banish the pets from the bedroom

Dog head tilt
Anna Smith/Flickr

As much as we love our furry friends, experts agree they can be disruptive to our sleep. From their loud snoring to their constant movement, pets can keep us up at night. So, it might be time to banish Fido from the bedroom. He may give you those sad puppy eyes, but trust me, your sleep is worth it.

(FULL DISCLOSOURE: my pup sleeps with me. As much as the above is good advice, I can’t help it. She’s my family!

8. Avoid late-night snacking

It’s not a myth that eating before bed can actually interfere with your sleep. Not to mention the guilt of sneaking a few extra cookies. So, try to avoid late-night snacking and opt for a glass of water instead.

9. Try a weighted blanket

Have you heard of weighted blankets? They’re blankets filled with tiny beads that make you feel like you’re being hugged all night long. Sounds cozy, right? Not to mention, they can help alleviate stress and anxiety. It’s like having a grandkid cuddle without the elbow in your ribcage!

Here’s an example of one on Amazon.

10. Practice relaxation techniques

Woman meditating
Syed Shameel/Flickr

Sometimes, no matter what we do, sleep just won’t come. In those instances, try practicing some relaxation techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation. And if all else fails, just count sheep. Hey, it worked for Little Bo Peep, right?

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing, especially as we age. By creating a bedtime routine, investing in comfortable bedding, avoiding stimulants before bedtime, creating a peaceful sleeping environment, getting moving during the day, and limiting screen time before bedtime, we can improve the quality of our sleep and wake up feeling our best. So, let’s get to snoozin’! After all, we don’t want to appear grumpy around the grandchildren. 🙂

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