15 Things I Want My Grandkids To Know (From A Grandma Who Has Lived Many Many Years)

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Life is unpredictable and scary sometimes, so I want to guide and help my grandbabies as much (and as long!) as possible. Since I have been around for – well, at least a few decades – I feel as though I have some valuable insight to share from my life experiences, including these 15 things that I want my grandkids to know: 

1. You should get at least an hour outdoors every day*

*Unless, of course, temperatures are in the negatives, as many of us recently experienced. 

2. It’s okay to lick the beaters

My mother wouldn’t let me lick the beaters because of the raw eggs… While I appreciate her keeping my well-being in mind, I have never known anyone to get sick from cookie or brownie batter. Lick the beaters – they taste too darn good to waste. 

3. Life is too short to take things too seriously

Well, it happened – I blinked, and not only am I grown, but so are my children, and now their children are growing up way more quickly than I like. The days may seem long (especially when you are a child sitting in a classroom), but believe me when I say the years are SHORT. Do yourself a favor: don’t take things too seriously. It’s a short ride and one that you deserve to enjoy!

4. Laughter really is the best medicine

A good laugh can cure nearly everything, whether it’s a bad day or an awkward situation. I’ve laughed through tears, and let me tell you, it works wonders. (Just don’t laugh at your own jokes too much – people might start to worry.)

5. Learning doesn’t end when you leave school

I haven’t been in a classroom setting for many years, but do you know what? This Grandma is still learning new things – like how not to delete the entire phone book on my cellphone. 🙂 The world is your oyster with an endless pearl of knowledge, so keep shucking, my darling!

6. Be kind to others – and yourself

I like to think of kindness like a boomerang, as it always comes back. While throwing kindness around like confetti, you must save some for yourself, as self-compassion is crucial and oh-so-necessary for a long and healthy life.

7. Don’t rush things

When I was a child, I wanted nothing more than to be an adult. Not only that, but when I was a young mother, I wished away the hard times, telling myself that things would be better or different once my new baby slept through the night, potty trained, didn’t have so much homework, and so on. I often regret worrying and wishing away the hard times because there were still lots of sweet moments sprinkled throughout. Enjoy every minute of the ride, and remember not to rush so much that you miss the beauty along the way.

8. Stay true to yourself

In a world constantly trying to mold you, staying true to yourself is an act of rebellion. Be unapologetically you, and remember that God made you just the way you were meant to be.

9. Cherish your family – they really are everything!

Trust me, there will be times when your family drives you batty (excluding me, of course), but do you know what? Family is what grounds and nourishes you, just like – if you don’t mind my corny analogy – the roots of a tree. Treasure those bonds, and remember that family isn’t always blood but also the people in your life who have stepped up and continue to be there.

10. Love without fear

If I can only wish one thing for you, it is that you love unconditionally and receive the same in return. Yes, it can be scary, but it is worth every beat of your heart. (Just don’t fall for the first person who buys you a pizza – know your worth!)

11. Learn to cook AT LEAST one good meal

You may roll your eyes at this, but the day will come when your go-to recipe will come in handy… 😉

12. Money isn’t everything

Is money necessary? Yes, of course. Is it the most important thing? Heavens no! While I pray my grandkids grow up to be successful and do something they love, I also pray they value love, laughter, and family more than the dollar. 

13. It’s okay to ask for help

Nobody is perfect, and nobody expects you to have all the answers or to be able to do everything. You are not a superhero (unless you are hiding something from me). Asking for help makes you weak, my child – it makes you wise. Remember, even Batman had Robin.

14. Enjoy your own company

Love yourself and learn to enjoy doing things on your own, whether it’s going out to dinner with a good book or treating yourself to a movie and a whole bucket of popcorn. For what it is worth, I happen to think you are pretty great company!

15. Always keep a secret stash of chocolate

For emergencies, bad days, and, well, Tuesdays, chocolate is a magical remedy that I’ve prescribed for years, and it hasn’t failed me yet  (Just don’t go looking for mine – get your own. :P)


As you can see, there are many things I want my grandchildren to know, and I pray that I can convey and instill these things in our everyday interactions! What do you want your grandkids to know?

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