The Simple Way To Make Your Grandchildren Feel Safe

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As grandmothers, we all want our grandchildren to feel safe, loved, and cherished. We want them to know that no matter what happens in their lives, they always have a warm, comforting place to turn to. But in today’s fast-paced, often uncertain world, how can we ensure that our grandchildren feel that sense of security and comfort? The answer is simpler than you might think: hugs.

The Power of Physical Connection

Research has shown time and again that physical touch is essential for a child’s emotional and psychological development. Hugs, cuddles, and other forms of affectionate touch release oxytocin, the “feel-good” hormone that promotes bonding, reduces stress, and instills a sense of safety and security. As family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”

Making Hugs a Daily Habit

As grandmothers, we have the wonderful opportunity to make physical affection a regular part of our interactions with our grandchildren. Aim to give your grandchildren at least 12 hugs or physical connections every day. Snuggle with them first thing in the morning, and give them a big hug before bedtime. Hug them when you say goodbye, when you’re reunited, and often in between. Pat their backs, ruffle their hair, and rub their shoulders. These small gestures of love and affection will add up over time, creating a deep-rooted sense of safety and security.

The Importance of Eye Contact and Smiles

Hugs aren’t the only way to make your grandchildren feel safe and loved. Making eye contact and smiling at them is another form of “touch” that can be just as powerful. When you look into your grandchild’s eyes and smile, you’re sending a clear message that they are seen, valued, and loved. This simple act of connection can help calm their fears, ease their anxieties, and make them feel truly safe in your presence.

Connecting with Older Grandchildren

As your grandchildren grow older, they may not be as eager to accept hugs and cuddles as they once were. This is a normal part of growing up, but it doesn’t mean that physical connection is any less important. With older grandchildren, you may need to ease into the connection. Offer them a cool drink and a foot rub while you chat about their day. This may seem like going above and beyond, but it’s a surefire way to get them to open up and share what’s happening in their lives. You’ll find yourself glad, many times, that you prioritized this special time together.

The Legacy of a Grandmother’s Love

By making physical affection a regular part of your interactions with your grandchildren, you’re giving them a priceless gift: the knowledge that they are loved, valued, and safe. This sense of security will stay with them throughout their lives, providing a solid foundation for their emotional and psychological well-being. And as they grow older and face the challenges and uncertainties of life, they’ll always know that they have a safe haven in their grandmother’s arms.

In conclusion, the simple act of hugging your grandchildren and showing them physical affection is one of the most powerful ways to make them feel safe, loved, and secure. By making hugs a daily habit, connecting through eye contact and smiles, and finding ways to bond with older grandchildren, you’ll be creating a legacy of love that will last a lifetime. So go ahead and give your grandchildren an extra hug today – you’ll both be glad you did.

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