13 Practical Ways Grandmas Can Embrace Change And Adapt to Their Evolving Role

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Moms (and parents in general!) are constantly on their toes and have to pivot their parenting depending on the situation or child. It is exhausting, isn’t it? While the best moms are promoted to grandma, this new role – though the best in the world! – comes with a similar skillset that requires you to embrace change and adapt to your grandchild’s individuality.

This may sound daunting, but it doesn’t need to be, which is why I compiled this list of 13 practical ways that we, as grandmas, can embrace change and adapt to this ever-evolving role: 

Yes, social media and all of the latest technological advancements can be daunting, but staying up-to-date on them doesn’t have to be! In fact, if you want to learn more, why not ask your grand(s) to teach you? By doing this, you will learn more in the process and give them a confidence boost that you can only get from teaching others! (Need I mention the extra bonding time the two of you will share?) 

2. Explore their interests

Minecraft. TikTik. K-Pop. These may sound like made-up words, but they are the big trends in this day and age! Learning about these will make you more hip and an even cooler grandma (if such a thing is possible)! Hehe. 

3. Listen, listen, listen

Do you want to know the secret to embracing change and adapting to your role as grandma? Listen. Yes, it is that simple! Our grandkids have a lot to say and share, and being a good listener can help us understand their world and allow us a chance to help them should they have anything they are working through.

4. Embrace change – even in modern parenting

Change is inevitable, whether in the weather, the economy, or how we parent our kids. Parenting has evolved, and so must our understanding and support. Attachment parenting? (Eh, I guess it makes sense.) Free-range parenting? (Are you raising children or chickens? Err, I mean, great!) Bed sharing until your child is 7? (Must. Hold. Tongue.) It can be painful, but we must respect our children’s parenting decisions and offer support and guidance when asked.

5. Be open-minded

Being open-minded goes hand-in-hand with modern parenting, which you can practice by embracing new ideas and perspectives (even if they differ from what we’re used to). Is this easy? Not always. Is it worth the work? Absolutely!

6. Share your wisdom – to an extent

We talked a bit about listening, and now it is time for us to talk – but only a little. We have been around for a while and have lots of insight to share, but it is also vital that we let our grandbabies live and learn. How does one balance this? Offer your wisdom as a gift, not a mandate, as it will likely be received with open hearts and minds.

7. Stay active and involved

Keeping up with our grandkids requires some pep in our step! Staying physically active and involved keeps us healthy and allows us to partake in their energy-filled adventures. Whether it’s a walk in the park or joining a dance-off, every step counts! Now that I think about it, keeping up with the grands also makes for a pretty stellar New Year’s resolution…

8. Cultivate a growth mindset

Adopt the belief that you CAN learn and adapt at any age! A growth mindset will help you face new challenges with enthusiasm and resilience. After all, you’re never too old to learn a new trick or two!

9. Be their safe haven

It’s a scary world out there, but you, my fellow Devoted Grandma, can be the safe haven your grandchild(ren) desperately needs! Being their confidante, cheerleader, comfort zone, and constant source of love and support doesn’t take much. Just keep doing what you already do, and keep practicing all the points I mentioned above. 🙂

10. Adapt your space for their needs

It’s easy to plan for a baby – you need lots of quiet spots to rock and cuddle and a few educational toys. But alas, these newborn and infant days are short, and our grands shall continue to grow and change, so your space should do the same. Create a grandkid-friendly zone in your home, whether a corner stocked with games and crafts or a special snack drawer.

11. Maintain your identity

It is easy to be overtaken by the title of “grandma” (just as it was when you were a new mom!), but it is essential that you still keep your sense of self. Yes, you are a grandma, but you may also be a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, etc. Pay attention to these other essential facets and continue to pursue your hobbies, interests, and friendships. After all, a happy, fulfilled grandma is a fantastic role model!

12. Promote and engage in lifelong learning

Learning doesn’t end when you graduate from school! In fact, some of the most interesting people I know are those who enjoy learning something new every day. Demonstrate to your grandbabies that learning is a lifelong journey via a new shared hobby, traveling to new places, and/or reading a new book. Can you think of a more enjoyable way to learn something new?

13. Celebrate every milestone

From little victories in a school play to significant achievements like graduations, you can be their biggest fan and show them how much you value and care about their lives. (It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! Hehe.)


If I were a betting woman, you already do many of these things. Keep them up! You, grandma, are doing a great job and are just what your grandbabies need to navigate this world/life. From one Devoted Grandma to another – God bless! Let’s talk again soon. 🙂

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