Please Stop Making These Rude Comments to Grandmas

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As a grandmother in her golden years, I’ve heard my fair share of unsolicited advice and rude comments. While these statements may have been intended to be helpful or humorous, they often feel hurtful or condescending.

I’m pretty sure every grandma has heard some variation of the following comments at least once (or perhaps once a day!). So, without further ado, here are eight things that grandmas wish you’d stop saying — assuming you want to stay in our good graces and keep getting those delicious homemade cookies.

“Aren’t you too old for that?”

Whether we’re taking up a new hobby, traveling to exotic locations, or simply wearing a trendy outfit, we grandmas are tired of hearing that we’re “too old” for certain activities. Age is just a number, and we’re young at heart. We have the wisdom and life experience to know what we want and the courage to pursue it, regardless of societal expectations.

“When are you going to act your age?”

This is closely related to the previous comment. Just because we’ve reached a certain age doesn’t mean we have to fit into a stereotypical “grandma” mold. We’re individuals with unique personalities, interests, and quirks. Acting our age means being true to ourselves and embracing life with enthusiasm and joy.

“Isn’t it time to slow down?”

We know our bodies aren’t what they used to be, but that doesn’t mean we’re ready to sit in a rocking chair and watch life pass us by. We’ll slow down when we’re good and ready, thank you very much. Until then, we’ll keep pursuing our passions and living life to the fullest.

“You’re spoiling your grandkids.”

We’ve raised our own children, and now it’s our prerogative to shower our grandchildren with love, attention, and yes, maybe a few extra treats. It’s not spoiling; it’s grandma’s privilege. We know the importance of boundaries, but we also understand the value of creating special memories and bonds with our grandkids.

“Grandma, can you babysit again?”

We adore our grandchildren and cherish the time we spend with them, but we also have lives of our own. While we’re happy to help out when needed, please don’t assume that we’re always available or willing to drop everything at a moment’s notice. We have our own schedules, commitments, and self-care needs.

“You’re so tech-illiterate.”

Just because we didn’t grow up with smartphones and social media doesn’t mean we’re incapable of learning and adapting to new technologies. Many of us are quite tech-savvy, thank you very much! And if we do struggle with a new device or app, we appreciate patience and respectful guidance, not condescension.

“Isn’t it time to downsize?”

Our homes hold precious memories of raising our families and building our lives. Just because we have a few extra bedrooms or a yard to maintain doesn’t mean we’re ready to give it all up and move into a tiny apartment. We’ll downsize if and when we’re ready, on our own terms.

“You don’t understand what it’s like today.”

We may not have grown up with the same challenges and opportunities as younger generations, but that doesn’t mean we’re out of touch with modern realities. We’ve lived through countless societal changes and have a wealth of experience and perspective to offer. Instead of dismissing our views, try engaging us in meaningful conversations – you might be surprised by our insights!

So there you have it – eight things grandmas are tired of hearing. The next time you’re tempted to utter one of these remarks, remember that we grandmothers are vibrant, diverse individuals who deserve respect and understanding. After all, with age comes wisdom… and the knowledge that life is too short for rude comments.

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