13 Hilarious Signs That You’ve Fully Embraced The Grandma Life

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Do you whistle the Peppa Pig or Bluey themes to yourself throughout the day? Do you have fruit snacks in the pantry and a bag of some other kind of crushed-up snack in your purse? What about monster trucks: Do you have an opinion on which ones are the best? (One of my best party tricks is being able to name all of the Monster Jam trucks, courtesy of my grandson.) If you answered yes to one (or all) of the above, you are 100% a grandma and one who is pretty darn good to boot! 

In addition to the above, there are many other (often hilarious) signs that you have fully embraced the grandma life, including:

1. You can sing along with almost any children’s television theme song

I know I used this in the intro, but it is too fun (and accurate) not to revisit! If you know the words to the Paw Patrol theme song and the names of all of J.J. from Cocomelon’s friends, you have fully embraced the grandma life (and may I say it looks great on you?)! 

2. You’ve gained a second degree in technology

From helping your grandkids log in to their Covid Zoom class to playing Roblox, you’ve acquired tech-savvy skills that could put some IT professionals to shame. And the best part? You learned it all for the grandkids.

3. You’re always well-stocked with snacks

Yes, I am circling back to snacks, as it is a surprisingly significant part of being a grandma! (Did our kids eat these many snacks? I can’t remember! Either way, I digress…) Grandma doesn’t have just any snacks – you’ve got the good stuff! A stash of your grandkid’s favorite cookies, chips, and candies are always on hand, and you’ve gotten so good at it that you could be a secret shopper!

4. Your Tupperware is primarily used to send home leftovers

Who cares about food storage when you can use those empty containers to pack up yummy leftovers for the grandkids? Plus, it’s a great excuse to have them visit again soon (clever, huh?).

5. James Earl Jones has nothing on your narration abilities

I always enjoyed reading to my kids, but I find myself getting even more animated and dramatic with my grandkids’ read-alouds. If I am being honest, I feel as though I can probably even get a gig doing voice-overs with the number of characters I’ve brought to life during bedtime stories. (Who else but grandma can make The Very Hungry Caterpillar sound so exciting?)

6. Your vocabulary now includes words like “Blippi” and “Elsa”

You’re up-to-date with all the current kid’s shows and characters, much to the delight (and sometimes confusion) of your friends. But hey, being able to discuss the latest Paw Patrol episode in-depth with your grandkid is totally worth it!

7. You often shop for the grandkids, even when you’re shopping for yourself

The kids’ section of every store calls to you like a beacon, and you simply can’t resist the urge to pick out something adorable for your grandkids. Hey, someone has to spoil them…

Your phone holds more photos of your grandkids than it has storage space! Each new snap brings joy and cements your role as the proud, doting grandma.

9. Your home decor features a lot of child-made art

From crayon masterpieces to the wonky clay vase made especially for you, your home has turned into a grandchild art gallery. These creations outrank any Picasso because they were made with love by your favorite little artists. Speaking of your favorite little artists…

10. Your heart melts at every handmade gift

It doesn’t matter if it’s a paper plate face or a macaroni necklace, if your grandchild made it, it’s more precious to you than any jewel. You’ve learned that the real treasures in life don’t come from Tiffany’s but rather from Elmer’s glue and glitter.

11. Your healing skills are practically legendary

Whether it’s a skinned knee or a splinter, your grandkids know that Grandma’s loving touch can make everything feel better. (Also, you don’t need your Ph.D. to heal your grandbabies’ aches and pains – just band-aids.)

12. You have a gift for turning everyday moments into mini adventures

From an expedition to spot squirrels in the backyard to the epic quest of finding the perfect stick, your grandkids know that fun is guaranteed when grandma is around.

13. Your architectural skills are top-notch (err, at least when it comes to blanket forts)

Who knew grandma’s living room could become an epic fortress or a magical castle? With a few blankets and pillows, you’ve become the Frank Lloyd Wright of indoor forts.


Embracing the grandma life isn’t just about spoiling your grandkids (although that’s a great part!). It’s also about the joy, the fun, and the love you share in these precious moments with them. Keep on embracing, my fellow grandmas – You’re doing an awesome job!

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