12 Things You Can Do To Help A Grandchild With Autism

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Being a grandma is one of life’s greatest joys, and it comes with the unique opportunity to build a special relationship with your grandchild. However, if your grandchild has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), you may face unique challenges and uncertainties.

Fortunately, there are many ways that you can support your grandchild with autism and help them thrive.

By understanding their needs, creating a safe and supportive environment, and providing opportunities for learning, growth, and connection, you can make a positive difference in your grandchild’s life!

In this article, we’ll explore some practical ways that a grandma can help her grandchild with autism, from learning about autism to advocating for their needs and taking care of yourself.

1. Learn About Autism

As a grandma, it’s important to educate yourself about autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This can help you understand your grandchild’s unique needs, strengths, and challenges. You can learn about the characteristics of autism, such as difficulty with social interactions, sensory processing issues, and communication challenges. There are many resources available online, through autism advocacy organizations, or from your grandchild’s parents or therapists.

2. Create a Safe and Comfortable Environment

Cozy reading corner
Flickr/jessjamesjake vintage

Creating a safe and comfortable environment is key for children with autism, so work with your grandchild’s parents to identify potential sensory triggers and minimize their impact. For example, you can adjust lighting, temperature, or noise levels in your home. You can also create a calming space for your grandchild to retreat to if they become overwhelmed, such as a quiet room with soothing colors, comfortable seating, and calming toys or activities.

3. Establish Consistent Routines

Consistent routines can be incredibly helpful for children with autism, whether it be for meals, bedtime, and other daily activities. This can help your grandchild feel more secure and in control. Use visual aids, such as a picture schedule or a checklist, to help your grandchild understand what will happen next and what is expected of them.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement

Children with autism often respond well to positive reinforcement like praise, rewards, and other techniques that encourage good behavior and help them develop new skills. For example, you can praise your grandchild for trying a new food, completing a task, or using appropriate language. You can also offer rewards, such as stickers, tokens, or a special activity, for reaching specific goals.

5. Provide Sensory Activities

Many children with autism have sensory processing issues, meaning they may be either over or under-sensitive to certain sensations. Provide your grandchild with sensory activities that are tailored to their specific needs. Create a sensory bin filled with objects of different textures, offer weighted or pressure-based objects, or play calming music to help them relax. Observe your grandchild’s responses to different sensory stimuli and adjust your activities accordingly.

6. Support Communication

Observant Grandma
Flickr/Nicholas Erwin

Communication can be a challenge for children with autism, but there are many strategies that can help. Work with your grandchild’s parents and therapists to develop communication strategies that work for your grandchild. This might include using visual aids, sign language, or social stories. Practice active listening, giving your grandchild time to express themselves and acknowledging their feelings and ideas.

7. Be Patient and Understanding

It’s important to remember that children with autism may have difficulty with social interactions or expressing their emotions, so be patient, understanding, and supportive of your grandchild. You can use gentle and clear language, provide support and guidance, and offer reassurance and comfort when needed. Model positive social skills and help your grandchild practice them in a safe and supportive environment.

8. Encourage Special Interests

Many children with autism have special interests that they are passionate about, which grandma can support by learning more about them, sharing resources or activities related to them, and spending time engaging in them with your grandchild. This can help them build confidence, improve their skills, and feel understood and appreciated.

9. Provide Emotional Support

Children on the spectrum may struggle with managing their emotions, understanding social cues, or building relationships with others. Provide emotional support by being a consistent and caring presence in your grandchild’s life. Listen to them without judgment, validate their feelings, and offer guidance and advice when needed. Help them develop social skills by practicing them with them, such as taking turns, sharing, or expressing gratitude.

10. Foster Independence

Smiling child
Flickr/Ana Luisa Fabela Ruvalcaba

As your grandchild grows and develops, it’s important to foster their independence and self-reliance. You can provide opportunities for your grandchild to practice independence in a safe and supportive environment. For example, you can encourage them to dress themselves, pack their own bag, or make their own snack.

11. Advocate for Your Grandchild

You can play an important role in advocating for your grandchild’s needs and rights. Attend school meetings or therapy sessions, communicate with their teachers or therapists, and share your observations and concerns. You can also stay informed about local resources, laws, and policies related to autism, and raise awareness and support for autism advocacy in your community.

12. Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of a child with autism can be challenging and stressful, so it’s important for grandmas to take care of themselves too. Make time for your own hobbies, interests, and self-care activities, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends. Seek support from other family members, friends, or support groups, and communicate your needs and limitations to your grandchild’s parents. By taking care of yourself, you can be a more effective and supportive grandma to your grandchild with autism.


As a grandma, your love and support can make a significant impact on your grandchild with autism.

By following some of the strategies and tips we’ve discussed, you can create a safe and supportive environment that helps your grandchild develop their unique strengths and overcome their challenges. Remember to be patient, understanding, and compassionate, and to celebrate their accomplishments and milestones, no matter how small.

Together with their parents, therapists, and other caregivers, you can help your grandchild with autism lead a fulfilling and joyful life.

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