12 Easy Ways Grandma Can Make A Little Extra Money Before Christmas

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Ready or not, the holidays are upon us! Celebrating Thanksgiving and religious holidays like Christmas or Hannukah with your family is one of life’s greatest joys, but all of the food, gifts, and events that come with it can add up pretty quickly. Of course, this time of year isn’t about presents, but trying to scrape up the funds for a delicious feast can be overwhelming.

Thankfully, there are some fun and quick ways that grandmas like us can make a little cash before the holidays, including: 

1. Crafting corner

Pick up those knitting needles or that crochet hook and craft unique holiday-themed items, like mittens, scarves, or festive ornaments. In this day and age where people don’t learn these skills as often as they used to, you will find that many folks would love to buy handmade, grandma-quality goods!

2. Baking bonanza

‘Tis the season for ALL the church and community craft fairs! Set up shop with either the crafts above OR with your famous chocolate chip cookies. (Believe me – they will be a hit.)

3. Holiday workshops

Host small, intimate workshops in your home, teaching others how to make a particular dish, craft, or decoration. All you need is a small fee for materials and your time, and you’re in business!

4. Pet sitting

With many families traveling during the holiday season, you can offer to look after their furry friends. (Who wouldn’t want some puppy or kitty cuddles?) You can advertise your services to your friends or on pet-sitting apps and other various platforms.

5. Yard sales

Declutter your home and host a yard sale. Those items collecting dust could be someone else’s treasure, especially during the gift-giving season. (If it’s too cold in your neck of the woods for a yard sale, you can even try selling on Facebook Marketplace.)

6. Teach a skill

Maybe you’re a whiz at sewing or can play the piano. Whatever you do, consider offering lessons to kids or adults in your community.

7. Personal shopper

Some folks are overwhelmed by holiday shopping, so why not offer your services to help pick out and wrap gifts? (As a gift-giver lover language, this is seriously my dream job!) Your years of gift-giving wisdom will surely come in handy. 😉

8. Handmade cards

With a touch of creativity, you can design personalized holiday cards. Everyone loves a thoughtful, handcrafted touch to their festive greetings, and you, Grandma, can make it happen!

9. Festive photography

If you have a knack for photography, why not take others’ family holiday photos? With a simple backdrop and some props, you can create memories for others (and make a little money on the side). What could be better?

10. Holiday helper

Advertise your services for holiday tasks like decorating homes, setting up Christmas trees, or preparing holiday meals. (From what I have seen, individuals and families alike are willing to pay for services like these that will simplify their lives.)

11. Grow and sell

If you have a garden, consider selling your late-season produce. Jars of homemade jams, pickles, or even handcrafted wreaths could make excellent gifts.

12. Online surveys and reviews

There are many sites where you can get paid for taking surveys or writing reviews. While they might not make you rich, everything counts, and the work isn’t difficult.


These are ways to make a bit of extra cash and fantastic opportunities to share your wealth of experience and wisdom. Have fun, stay safe, and here’s to a joyful holiday season filled with love, laughter, and just a touch more jingle in your pocket!

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