20 Phrases to Avoid If You Want to Build Trust with Your Grandchildren

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As grandparents, we all want to build strong, trusting relationships with our grandchildren. However, sometimes the words we use can unintentionally create barriers or hurt feelings. To help you navigate the wonderful world of grandparenting, I’ve put together a list of 20 phrases to avoid if you want to foster a deep, lasting bond with your grandkids. And don’t worry, I’ve got some humorous alternatives to keep things light and fun!

1. “You’re acting like a baby”

Instead, try: “I know you’re feeling frustrated, but let’s take a deep breath and tackle this together like the superhero team we are!”

2. “I’m too old to play with you”

Instead, try: “I may not be as spry as I once was, but I’m always up for an adventure with my favorite sidekick!”

3. “You’ll understand when you’re older”

Instead, try: “I know it’s confusing right now, but I’m here to help you make sense of it all. Let’s put on our detective hats and figure this out together!”

4. “You’re not trying hard enough”

Instead, try: “I can see you’re putting in a lot of effort. Let’s brainstorm some new strategies to help you conquer this challenge like a boss!”

5. “I don’t have time for this”

Instead, try: “I always have time for you, my little sunshine. Let’s make the most of our moments together and create some unforgettable memories!”

6. “You’re not listening to me”

Instead, try: “I know there’s a lot going on in that brilliant mind of yours. Can we take a moment to make sure we’re on the same page? I promise to listen with my heart.”

7. “You’re just like your mother/father”

Instead, try: “You remind me so much of your mom/dad, but you also have your own unique sparkle that I absolutely adore!”

8. “I’m too tired to play”

Instead, try: “I may not have the energy of a spring chicken, but I’ll never be too tired to spend quality time with my favorite little entertainer!”

9. “You’re not doing it right”

Instead, try: “There are so many ways to approach this! Let’s put our creative caps on and find a method that works best for you, my little genius.”

10. “Stop being so silly”

Instead, try: “Your silly side always brings a smile to my face! Just remember, there’s a time and place for everything, my little jokester.”

11. “You’re too old for that now”

Instead, try: “I love watching you grow and discover new interests! Let’s find a way to incorporate your old favorites with your new passions, my little adventurer.”

12. “I don’t like that”

Instead, try: “I may not always understand your choices, but I trust and support you. Can you help me see things from your perspective, my little wise one?”

13. “You’re so clumsy”

Instead, try: “Oops, gravity got the best of you there! Don’t worry, even the most graceful ballerinas take a tumble now and then. Let’s dust ourselves off and try again, my little trooper!”

14. “You’re not paying attention”

Instead, try: “I know there are a million things competing for your attention. Let’s take a moment to refocus and tackle this together, my little champion.”

15. “I don’t want to hear excuses”

Instead, try: “I’m here to listen and understand, not to judge. Let’s work together to find a solution that makes us both proud, my little problem-solver.”

16. “You’re being ridiculous”

Instead, try: “I may not always see things the same way you do, but your feelings are valid. Help me understand where you’re coming from, my little empath.”

17. “You’re not going to amount to anything”

Instead, try: “I see so much potential in you, my little dreamer. Let’s explore all the amazing things you’re capable of and watch you soar!”

18. “You’re not as good as…”

Instead, try: “You are incomparable, my little star. Your unique talents and qualities are what make you shine so brightly!”

19. “You’re too opinionated”

Instead, try: “I love how passionate you are about your beliefs! Let’s have an open, respectful conversation and learn from each other, my little trailblazer.”

20. “You’re a disappointment”

Instead, try: “I may not always agree with your actions, but my love for you is unconditional. Let’s work together to make choices we can both be proud of, my little diamond in the rough.”

Remember, building trust with your grandchildren is a journey filled with laughter, love, and the occasional misstep. By being mindful of the words you use and focusing on positive, supportive communication, you’ll create an unbreakable bond that will stand the test of time. Now, go forth and enjoy the adventure of grandparenting, you magnificent matriarchs and patriarchs of fun!

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