20 Old School Tricks to Teach Your Grandchildren for Everyday Problems

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As a grandmother, you have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can benefit your grandchildren in countless ways. From practical skills to life lessons, sharing your wisdom with your grandkids is one of the most valuable gifts you can give them. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 20 genius tips and tricks that you can teach your grandchildren to help them navigate everyday problems with ease.

These tips and tricks are suitable for grandchildren of all ages, and they cover a wide range of topics, from organization and problem-solving to creativity and self-care. By sharing these valuable insights with your grandkids, you’ll not only help them develop essential life skills but also strengthen your bond and create lasting memories together.

1. The “rubber band method” for remembering important tasks

Teach your grandkids to put a rubber band around their wrist when they need to remember something important, like turning in a homework assignment or bringing a permission slip to school. The visual reminder will help them stay on track and avoid forgetting crucial tasks.

2. The “quarter in the freezer” trick for defrosting meat quickly

If your grandchildren are learning to cook, share this handy trick with them: place the meat they need to defrost on a plate, put a quarter on top of it, and stick it in the freezer. The quarter will help conduct the cold away from the meat, allowing it to thaw faster and more evenly.

3. The “hanger hack” for organizing tank tops and camisoles

Help your grandkids keep their closets tidy by teaching them this space-saving trick: use shower curtain rings or small loops to hang multiple tank tops or camisoles on a single hanger. This hack maximizes closet space and makes it easier to find the perfect top in a snap.

4. The “name game” for remembering people’s names

Teach your grandchildren this simple memory trick to help them remember names: when they meet someone new, have them repeat the person’s name in their head three times while looking at their face. This repetition helps cement the name in their memory, making it easier to recall later.

5. The “hairspray hack” for removing ink stains

If your grandkids accidentally get ink on their clothes, teach them this quick fix: spray the stain with hairspray, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wash the garment as usual. The alcohol in the hairspray will help dissolve the ink, making the stain easier to remove.

6. The “rule of three” for decluttering and organizing

Encourage your grandchildren to keep their spaces tidy by following the “rule of three”: whenever they buy or receive something new, they should donate or get rid of three items they no longer need or use. This simple habit helps prevent clutter from accumulating over time.

7. The “egg carton seed starter” for a fun and eco-friendly gardening project

Teach your grandkids the joys of gardening by repurposing empty egg cartons as seed starters. Simply fill each compartment with soil, plant a seed, and watch their little garden grow. This eco-friendly project is perfect for grandchildren of all ages and helps teach them about the wonders of nature.

8. The “five-minute rule” for tackling procrastination

Help your grandkids overcome procrastination by introducing them to the “five-minute rule”: whenever they’re feeling overwhelmed by a task, encourage them to set a timer for just five minutes and work on it until the timer goes off. Often, they’ll find that once they’ve started, it’s easier to keep going.

9. The “storytelling technique” for improving memory and concentration

Boost your grandchildren’s memory and concentration skills by teaching them the “storytelling technique.” When they need to remember a list of items or ideas, have them create a story that incorporates each element in a memorable way. The more creative and engaging the story, the easier it will be to recall the information later.

10. The “penny in the ice cube tray” trick for watering plants while away

If your grandkids have houseplants, teach them this clever trick for keeping their plants watered while they’re away: fill an ice cube tray with water, place a penny in each compartment, and put the tray in the freezer. When they’re ready to leave, they can simply place a few of the frozen penny cubes on top of the soil in each plant pot. The cubes will melt slowly, providing a steady supply of water to the plants.

11. The “spaghetti jar organizer” for keeping art supplies tidy

Help your grandchildren keep their art supplies organized and easily accessible by repurposing empty spaghetti sauce jars. Simply clean the jars, remove the labels, and use them to store markers, crayons, paintbrushes, and other art essentials. This colorful and practical storage solution makes cleanup a breeze.

12. The “rubber band trick” for opening stubborn jars

Teach your grandkids this simple trick for opening stubborn jars: wrap a rubber band around the lid to provide extra grip, then twist the lid as usual. The added traction from the rubber band makes it easier to open even the most tightly sealed jars.

13. The “acronym method” for remembering important information

Help your grandchildren remember key facts, lists, or concepts by teaching them to create acronyms. For example, “ROY G. BIV” is a popular acronym for remembering the colors of the rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). Encourage them to come up with their own clever acronyms for the information they need to memorize.

14. The “sock pairing hack” for keeping socks together in the laundry

Save your grandkids the hassle of sorting through a pile of mismatched socks by teaching them this simple laundry hack: have them pin each pair of socks together with a safety pin before tossing them in the wash. The socks will stay paired throughout the washing and drying process, making it easy to put them away neatly.

15. The “gratitude journal” for cultivating a positive mindset

Encourage your grandchildren to develop a habit of gratitude by gifting them a special journal where they can write down three things they’re thankful for each day. This simple practice helps foster a positive outlook and can be especially beneficial during challenging times.

16. The “square breathing technique” for managing stress and anxiety

Teach your grandkids this simple breathing exercise to help them cope with stress and anxiety: have them inhale for a count of four, hold their breath for four, exhale for four, and hold for four. Repeat this “square breathing” pattern for a few minutes to promote relaxation and calmness.

17. The “compliment circle” for building self-esteem and strengthening relationships

Foster a sense of appreciation and connection among your grandchildren by introducing the “compliment circle.” Have them sit in a circle and take turns giving genuine compliments to the person on their right. This heartwarming activity helps build self-esteem and strengthens family bonds.

18. The “bookmark hack” for saving your place in a book without damaging the pages

Teach your grandkids to make their own bookmarks using old greeting cards, postcards, or photos. Not only will these personalized bookmarks help them keep their place in a book without damaging the pages, but they also serve as a fun and creative craft project.

19. The “rainbow plate” trick for encouraging healthy eating habits

Make healthy eating fun and colorful by challenging your grandchildren to create a “rainbow plate” at mealtimes. Encourage them to fill their plates with a variety of fruits and vegetables in different colors, such as red tomatoes, orange carrots, yellow peppers, green lettuce, and purple grapes. This visually appealing approach makes nutritious eating more exciting and enjoyable.

20. The “kindness rock” project for spreading joy and positivity

Inspire your grandkids to spread kindness and positivity in their community by creating “kindness rocks.” Have them paint small rocks with uplifting messages or cheerful designs, then place the rocks in public spaces for others to find. This simple act of kindness can brighten someone’s day and teach your grandchildren the importance of compassion and generosity.

By sharing these 20 genius tips and tricks with your grandchildren, you’ll not only help them navigate everyday challenges with ease but also impart valuable life skills that will serve them well into adulthood. Your wisdom, patience, and love are the greatest gifts you can give your grandkids, and these practical lessons are just one of the many ways you can make a lasting impact on their lives.

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