12 Surprising Similarities Between Grandmas and Toddlers That Will Make You Giggle

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Have you ever noticed that grandmas and toddlers have more in common than meets the eye? Sure, one has wrinkles and the other has dimples, but beneath the surface, these two generations share some surprisingly similar traits. As a grandma myself, I’ve had plenty of moments where I’ve caught myself thinking, “Wait a minute, did I just do the same thing as my grandbaby?” From our love of naps to our tendency to speak our minds, here are 12 hilarious similarities between grandmas and toddlers that will make you giggle and nod your head in recognition.

1. We both love a good nap.

There’s nothing quite like the blissful escape of an afternoon nap. Whether we’re curled up in our favorite recliner or sprawled out on a colorful playmat, grandmas and toddlers alike know the value of a good snooze. Just don’t be surprised if you catch us both drooling a little.

2. We’re not afraid to speak our minds.

Toddlers are known for their unfiltered honesty, and let’s face it, grandmas aren’t far behind. We’ve reached a point in our lives where we’re not afraid to tell it like it is, whether we’re commenting on our daughter-in-law’s new haircut or our grandchild’s questionable fashion choices. Hey, we’re just keeping it real!

3. We’re both easily distracted by shiny objects.

Toddlers are notorious for their short attention spans, but have you ever tried to have a conversation with a grandma who’s just discovered a new knick-knack or piece of jewelry? We may not be chasing after butterflies, but we’re easily sidetracked by the sparkly and the new.

4. We both have a sweet tooth.

Cookies, candy, ice cream – toddlers and grandmas alike have a weakness for all things sweet. We may try to hide it behind a facade of “just a little treat,” but who are we kidding? Pass the chocolate and no one gets hurt.

5. We’re both master negotiators.

Toddlers are skilled at the art of negotiation, whether they’re bargaining for an extra bedtime story or a second helping of mac and cheese. But grandmas? We’ve had years of practice in the fine art of persuasion. Just try saying no to our famous puppy dog eyes.

6. We both have selective hearing.

“Put your toys away.” “It’s time for bed.” “No more cookies.” Sometimes, it seems like toddlers have a built-in filter that blocks out any instructions they don’t want to hear. But let’s be honest, grandmas can be guilty of the same thing. “What’s that, dear? You want me to stop spoiling the grandkids? I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”

7. We’re both fiercely independent.

Toddlers are notorious for their “I do it myself” attitude, insisting on tackling everything from tying their shoes to pouring their own milk. But grandmas? We’ve been doing things our own way for decades, and we’re not about to stop now. Just try telling us we’re too old to climb that ladder or drive cross-country.

8. We both love a good story.

Whether it’s a fairy tale before bed or a long-winded recollection of our childhood, toddlers and grandmas alike love a good story. We may not always get the details right (was it a wolf or a bear in that one story?), but we make up for it with enthusiasm and dramatic flair.

9. We’re both early risers.

Toddlers have a knack for waking up at the crack of dawn, ready to take on the day with boundless energy. But grandmas? We’ve been early risers for so long, we can’t remember the last time we slept past 7 a.m. Who needs an alarm clock when you have a lifetime of habit?

10. We both have a flair for the dramatic.

Toddlers are known for their emotional outbursts, whether it’s a tantrum over a lost toy or a meltdown over a broken cookie. But grandmas? We’ve had a lifetime to perfect our dramatic flair. Just ask us about our aches and pains, and watch us put on a Tony-worthy performance.

11. We’re both collectors of odd treasures.

Toddlers have a way of accumulating the strangest “treasures,” from shiny rocks to mismatched socks. But grandmas? We’ve been collecting odd trinkets and knick-knacks for decades. Our houses may look like a cross between an antique store and a toy shop, but each item holds a special memory.

12. We both know the value of a good hug.

At the end of the day, toddlers and grandmas alike know that there’s nothing quite like a warm, snuggly hug. Whether we’re comforting a scraped knee or a bruised ego, we have a way of making everything feel better with a simple squeeze. It’s a superpower that only grandmas and toddlers seem to possess.

So there you have it, my fellow grandmas. The next time you catch yourself nodding off during a conversation or sneaking an extra cookie when no one’s looking, just remember – you’re not alone. We may be separated by generations, but deep down, grandmas and toddlers are cut from the same adorably quirky cloth. Embrace the similarities, and cherish the special bond that only a grandma and her little one can share. And if anyone gives you a hard time about it, just remind them – you may be old, but you’re never too old for a good giggle and a warm hug.

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