Passing Jogger Notices Random House On Fire And Saves The Day

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Sometimes people are just in the right place at the right time.

Like this jogger in Scotts Valley, California. He had no idea when he went out for his morning run that day that he’d come across a house with smoke billowing out of the top. He saw no activity and decided to ring the doorbell to see if everyone was okay. But no one was home…

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Instead, he got a recorded message. And then a voice. It was the homeowner who answered and started talking to the stranger through the Ring video doorbell while she was away. The man told her what was going on, and she was instantly sent into panic mode. Knowing her pets were inside, she gave him her house code.

The jogger didn’t hesitate to run inside once unlocking the door. He had no idea what to expect in there, but he went in anyway. He located the two dachshunds, cat, and rabbit and brought them all outside to the front yard where they were safe from the fire and smoke.

The jogger waited with the animals until authorities could arrive on scene, and the homeowners couldn’t have been more thankful for this hero’s actions on that day! Because of him, all of their pets are safe and sound, and their house is still standing. There is still some good out there in the world today! 🙂

See the incredible moment in the video below, and have your faith in humanity restored!

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